I love watching doctor/hospital shows, but often they are too gory or too sexual for my liking. My friend introduced me to this show recently called the Good Doctor.

I have really enjoyed the few episodes I have watched and I think it sends a very important message! The show follows a young hospital intern with autism as he struggles to gain the respect of his peers, his superiors and patients. I have worked with people with both physical and mental disabilities and loved my experiences. I think media like this TV show can help educate others and destigmatize of disabilities. I have a close friend with autism and she always struggles with people telling her what she can and can not do. Thankfully, she has not stopped her from getting the education and job we wanted, but many people in her life discouraged her from this.
I think the show does a very good job at portraying how people generally react to peoples with disabilities. These reactions could help people self-reflect on what they would do in that situation and if it was okay to react in that way.
This show, like many doctor shows, is not very medically educational or accurate, but it does educate it viewers in a different way. I think that media is best at teaching us about people that are unlike us and being able to relate and sympathize with them. The more that we see people that are different from us in a positive manner, the more likely we are to accept when we are introduced to this group of people in real life. I think this show is educating its viewers on autism and mental disabilities and hopefully, their viewers will be more accepting of those with disabilities. I think we need more media that has main characters that are different so that we can be more accepting of others.